Keynote Speaker

BACK TO SCHOOL REBOOT: Connect with Tech

Stephen Callahan

Most days Stephen Callahan, Educational Technology and Engineering Design Coordinator for the San Joaquin County Office of Education, can be found at the SJCOE FabLab, a 7,000 square foot makerspace in Stockton California.  Stephen runs field trips on topics from wearable technology to artificial intelligence.  Stephen also teaches summer camps there on topics from computer graphics to Lego Robotics.  Stephen also teaches teachers computer science and engineering as a member of the faculty of the STEM Master’s program at Teachers College of San Joaquin.  Also, Stephen leads teacher professional learning from Physics and Chemistry to Data and C.S.  And sometimes, Stephen isn’t teaching, but rather, writing curriculum for CodeStack High School, engineering new exhibits for students and teachers, or recording new teacher professional learning videos.  


Stephen’s bachelor’s degree is in cognitive science, from UC. Berkeley where his emphasis was computational modeling (A.I.).  His Master’s Degree is from Teachers College of San Joaquin.  He has worked in public education for 20 years this past November. 


Stephen is a Google Innovator, Google Trainer, Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert, and has collected other tech certifications from Apple, Adobe, and more.  Stephen was also the Robert Tinker Fellow for the Concord Consortium in 2021.


When not working, Stephen enjoys BBQing, hobby farming, driving his family around California, usually to somewhere along the coast, and playing the ukulele with his two children.


Contact Stephanie Sumarna, EdTech & Innovation ToSA at or (831) 466-5810.